Monday, June 13, 2005


So this weekend was sort of slow, we were going to head somewhere far away like Strasbourg or to the Neuschwanstein Castle but it would have been too hard to organize in so little time. So we ended up going accross the river to Wiesbaden, where there was a huge street party, it was really fun, but we missed our last bus so we had to cab it home, 18 euro and Craig and I were too tried to bike at 3 am so we crashed at Vance's. The night before we had decieded that we would go to Frankfurt for the day on Sat, so I was thinking that we would leave Mainz at like 10 am and return at like 10-11 pm , but nope I think that we left at about 2 pm, and got back at like 8pm. But it was a good trip. Frankfurt is the business capitol of Europe so there were skyscrapers and lots of shopping areas. We brought our bikes which was a great idea because we were able to drive around and see lots of things, also got some pictures of very German bulidings too.
Sunday was a day to relax and sleep, we just watched a movie (Star wars IV) at Vance's place.

well back to work.


PS next weekend is Heidelberg and the Neuschwanstein Castle so be ready for the post!