Wednesday, December 21, 2005


SO I'm posting from Hawaii!!
But I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive and posting!!
I just finished my final exam in computational physics, it's an ok class, but it's done!!
So why am I writing it in Hawaii?? I guess you didn't read any of my other posts but I'll recall it for you:
Dad and Chris - Conference
Mom and Dad - "Let's make it a X-Mas holiday"
Me - has to write my exam here in Hawaii after being here for a week studying hard core, right!!

Anyway, I'm done and thats that!! so now I can enjoy the rest of my trip.
Tomorrow we are flying to Hawaii (big island) and then after about 5 days we are going on to Kaui'i so it should be awesome. I'm excited to get a tan and maybe get some awesome pictures of some fishes!! take a look at the islands if you don't know about them. Map

You may be thinking, did you study all this time?? well no.. I did do some hikes and go swimming with my family and I got some great shots of Hanauma Bay, it was so nice there, except for all the people!!

well not much other news!!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, do you HAVE to be everywhere everyone else wishes they were?!

Let's trade lives, 'cept I keep my son. Just do it!


Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! xoxo