Sunday, January 29, 2012

No free trip to Japan!

I don't know if you heard that Japan was planning on offering 10,000 bloggers free return airfare to Japan. I would have blogged my heart out for that!
Ends up I'll have to work to earn money to free over there.. if I ever go.  But I guess that doesn't eliminate the chance for me to teach ESL overseas to make a large amount of money and maybe do some traveling at the same time.

I have a couple friends go to the Teachers' Overseas Recruiting Fair.  I chatting with one and she said it was good and hopes good things come of it.  I hope she grabbed a few interesting things to pass along.  I wonder why U of O can't do something like this?  Maybe they are too busy doing something else with our money.. Well that doesn't make sense because the fair is $125 a person, and they only allow a certain number of people.. lets put the cap at 300 people and it's $125 for a two day pass.  That would be $37,500.  Geez, I should contact the Queens people and see about organizing it here in Ottawa!

Stay tune for more reasonable outlooks at real life!

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